“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Monday, September 13, 2010

The True Face of Leonardo Da Vinci (hopefully)

Leonardo Da Vinci (1513)
Siegfried Woldhek himself have made more than 1100 portraits for newspapers, over the course of 30 years. Very few artists have drawn so many faces.
He starts of telling us that we know so much about Leonardo Da Vinci. His drawings, his paintings, his writings, his inventions, and many many more. But we do not seem to have a clear idea of what he looks like. There is of course one self portrait of him, but how do we know if it's him or not? He is known for concealing things in genius ways. Many art-historians do not accept this self-portrait of him.
If it is a self-portrait of him, then why did he only draw one? He drew other people, anatomy, landscapes, buildings, water, everything. It is quite hard to believe that he only drew his face once.

Homo Vitruvianos (1490)

So let's take all the male portraits he has draw, there are about 120 of them. According to Siegfried Woldhek, Leonardo would paint his self-portrait en face or three quarters, so we can eliminate all of the profiles. Now we are down to less than a half. We can also take out the ones that are ugly or vague. Leonardo would never draw himself vague, and we happen to know that Leonardo was a very handsome or even beautiful man. And by taking out all these drawing that can not be Leonardo, we are down to only 3 paintings. The old man is in there, as is the famous pen drawing of Homo Vitruvianos, and also a painting of "The Musician". When you take a look at the three drawings together, you will notice they have the same broad forehead, the horizontal eyebrows, the long nose, the curved lips, and the small, well developed chin. There is no reason at all why these drawings should look alike at all.
"The Musician" (1485)

Now let's look at the time these artworks are created and see if it fits Leonardo's age. "The Musician" was painted in 1485 when he was 33. Homo Vitruvianos was drawn in 1490 when he was 38. The old man's portrait of himself was drawn in 1513 when he was 63. The ages match perfectly. But we still don't know if it's him or not, what if it's someone else? We need a reference.

David by Verrocchio (1467)
Now here's the only image of Leonardo that' widely accepted. It's a statue made by Verrocchio, for which leonardo posed for at the age of 15. Now if we compare the face of the statue with the face of the "The Musician", you can see again that they both have the features he said before.

There you go: Leonardo Da Vinci!

Watch Video here: The True Face of Leonardo Da Vinci

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