“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 20

Xmas Origins+Is Santa Real?+Holiday Suicide Myth

Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter
Part 1: 
The true origin of Christmas! As we all know it, Christmas is associated with the birth of Christ. Jesus's Greek name's symbol is X, so you get Christmas, the mas is also for Christ, that's why you can say Xmas. 
So, when was Jesus born? Was it actually year 0? or was it 1 AD? The New Testament gives no date for Jesus's birth. The earliest gospel, Saint Mark's, was written about 65 CD. So this suggests that early Christians didn't really know when Jesus was born. So, Dionysus Ethicus tried to figure out Jesus's birth. He used compare and contrast way to figure it out. There was an Australian stargazer, Dave Reneke, used complex computer software to chart the exact positions of all the celestial bodies to map the night sky the way it was around 2000 years ago. He discovered that a bright star did appear that time, and he pinpointed Christ's birth as June 17th 2 BC. Not December 25th. The bright start was actually a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. So, if the star did really appear when Christ was born, then this would be quite accurate. 
There are many beliefs that on Christmas day long long time ago, it was actually a Roman Pageant Festival, called Saturnalia. Which was just said to gain followers. Romans first introduced this festival a week long of lawlessness. During this period, the Roman courts were closed, and no one can be punished for damaging property or injuring people. There was another part of the festival; they pick a guy and he's basically allowed to do whatever he wants for two weeks. Then they wil kill you at the end of the two weeks. So these early "Christmas holidays" were basically just drinking, sexual acts, and singing naked in the streets, which is said is the early for of caroling. 
So, now we have uncertainty for Jesus's birthday. Huge uncertainty whether he was a God. And Christians coming up with this festival to just obtain more followers in the 4th and 5th century. One would wonder what is the true meaning of Christmas is. 

Part 2:
Should parents tell their children that Santa isn't real or not? 
The people on Reality Check called one of their friends who is a parent already. They asked her this question and how she dealt with it. She said that when her kid was about 5 years old, he asked her if she believed in Santa. She told him the definition of Santa was for her, which was the sediment of kindness and generosity. She didn't tell her the Santa was a real person who comes and gives you presents. There are many different ways to break this to kids. There are many kids who believe in it strongly, and there are some who are okay with the truth. Sometimes, instead of telling them the truth or just lying to them, you can just let them figure it out. 
So basically, Santa to us is the spirit of giving and being generous to people. 

Myth of the Week: Around the holidays, do suicides increase?
It's actually not true. There's not much to explain, it's just not true. 

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