“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 29

The Nocebo Effect+Circumcision/AIDS+Chicken Eggs Myth

Part 1:
What is the Nocebo Effect? It's actually the opposite of the Placebo Effect, it's just tricking someone to think that they have been cursed, or you have injected a poison into them when you didn't at all. The name Nocebo is translated directly from Latin, meaning "I will harm". This term was chosen by Walter kennedy in 1961. It wasn't really popular and known until 1990s. 
There was an experiment in Japan where they took around 50 boys and split them into two groups. The first group, they told them that they are going to inject a tiny bit of poison into them, and it will turn itchy and red later. They told the other group that they are just going to inject a harmless liquid, when in fact, they are injecting the poison. It turns out that the boys that thought they were being poisoned started to become red and really itchy, and the other group, nothing happened at all. So, basically, just believe affects a lot. 
Of course there is a limit over the effects, just because you think you have cancer, it won't mean that it will come true. There are only a few minor things such as headaches and rashes, which will come true if you really believe it. 

Part 2:
Does male circumcision really reduce the transmission of HIV? 
So, what is circumcision? It's the removal of some or all of the foreskin from the penis. 
What is HIV? Human immunodeficiency virus is a lentivirus (a member of the theretrovirus family) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. HIV has killed millions and millions of people already. 
So does circumcision really reduce the transmission of HIV? Yes, it does! 

Science Myth of the Week:
Does my grocery store sell aborted chicken fetuses? 
The eggs that we get from the supermarket are on the ones that are unfertilized eggs. These kinds of eggs are produced doesn't matter if there is a rooster or not. 

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