“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 14

The Trouble With Astrology, Scientific Medical Preventions Under Attack, and "Yes Captain, I do"

Part 1:
There are few arguments against astrology is that how come different newspapers on the same day have different things for the same start sign? They all seem kind of vague, so it can fit anyone. What is the mechanism how one would be affected? There have been large scale studies, one is they tracked 2000 people born on the same day in London, and there came out a large variety of personalities and differences.  So if astrology is true, then these are the points astrologists need to prove.
Ancient astrologers aren't aware that the Earth would wobble (It moves around 1 degree every 72 years) and effects the position of the signs in the sky slipped about 1/10, slipped around a whole month to the west. So that everyone's signs would be shifted unless you are 2000 years old. So, as we can see that nowadays when people tell us what signs we are, we aren't that sign at all.
In conclusion, astrology is not a successful prediction system, and additionally the position of the sun has changed.
I think this is really interesting, because there are so many astrologers in the world, and we see the signs everywhere we go. But, as we can see from the evidence, everything the astrologers have said is very vague with extremely weak arguments and facts.

Part 2:
Antivaccine movements are attacking the scientific medical prevention by saying that the vaccines and the drugs are either harmful or just useless and a waste of time. Most of these people against the vaccines are also pro alternative medicine. They believe some pills can save them from the diseases, saying that it's a better way to stay healthy than vaccines.
There's also a movement against fluoride. Because the companies put them in our water and toothpaste. They found many kids in Colorado with teeth that had an odd color. But it is true that they prevent cavities. The condition is called dental fluorosis, it's when you get too much of fluoride in our teeth. They are now trying to get the right amount in our toothpaste, so it helps us prevent cavities but doesn't harm us.
Those are probably two of the most attacked mainstream medicine. There are other mainstream medicines that have movements against them as well, just not as big.
When I look at these mainstream medicines, I can't help but notice that they seem to only try and cure problems instead of preventing them from happening.
There are many great vaccines that help us, for example they wiped out smallpox. Which helped the world greatly.

Science Myth of the Week: Who can marry who?
As said in the podcast, the captain in Start Trek married a few times over. They then talk about how the captain can't just marry anyone anywhere when they like. They would need a license for that. They answered this question because a lot of people asked if I was on a ship from this country to another country, is the captain allowed to marry me "where"? There are a few places that the captains can, although it doesn't work that way for most of the more powerful countries. 

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