“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 22

Big Pharma Inconcistencies+Alien Faces+Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day

Part 1:
First, we all want to believe that our scientists are all reliable and great, that everything they discover and say is true. But, of course science is a human enterprise, so we do make mistakes.
So, now we are going to look at some results that aren't quite as we hope them to be. The primary issue is that we know the bias people have to publish positive results, and hide or leave out the negative. But negative results are just as important! A lot of the times, scientists submit the whole report to the publishers, but the publishers edit out the negative results. There is an experiment, what they did was find out how much of the whole report does the publisher publish, and in the end, they found out the publishers only publish one quarter of the results. 
So, we do know that there is a biased view when publishing. 
Another thing is that if the public wants to know how exactly the experiments are done, they are unable to do so. For the public, we don't know whether they published the whole thing or just a part of it. Of course we would like to believe that most of what they publish is true. But the way they publish the information affects the way we think about whatever we are reading. Sometimes, the whole report does get published in a few years time for the public to see, but not all the reports. 
So, the question many people are asking is why can't the public view the full report of the drugs they might one day take? It's something that concerns us, of course we would like to know. 
The main problem is that the drugs companies give different reports to the government and to the public. And these differences can impact negatively because we are getting a misunderstanding of the effects of the drugs.
The FDA does the checking of the drugs, and so the publishers want the government to think that the drug is actually better than it really is, because the FDA gives the approval for the drugs to be sold to the public.

Part 2:
In many movies and comics show that aliens have very human like features, they all have mouths, ears, noses, and eyes. They move around by their limbs just like we do. We humans are limited because every creature we see have the same features that we do, we move around the same way, so when we try to think of what other space creatures might look like, it's basically impossible to imaging something other than the 5 senses and features that we animals have on Earth.
Many people say that's so unrealistic, but is it? It is possible of course for them to look like us.
At the beginning, it is said because technology wasn't as advanced, so when they film movies with aliens in them, all they do is get actors to put on an alien suit, that's why they look just like us.
From all the evidence we uncovered for evolution, we know that evolution can only keep building on with what's there already. So, on Earth, the ones that adapted and survived for these environments are all creatures with 4 limbs (the larger creatures). But on some other planet, the original design might be different from ours, and maybe their environment allows another type of creature to adapt better than any other type, so they don't have to look like us at all.

Science Myth of the Week: Should we really drink 8 glasses of water a day?
It's not true! According to the Reality Check, the human body is would be fine if you don't drink that much, but because today, we eat too way to much unhealthy food, so we need more water nowadays to keep us healthy.

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