“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 30

Homosexuality/Natural? + Teaching 9/11 Truth + Friday 13th Accident Rates

Part 1:
Is homosexuality natural? 
What does natural mean? It's actually really hard to define what natural is. Natural can mean anything, because everything is created by nature. It can also mean everything but anything that has something to do with humans. So, what does natural mean? There's this book by G. E. Moore called Principia Ethica, which Moore wrote in 1903 and discussed the term naturalistic fallacy. This is the argument that whatever is natural is good. Even though there are many definitions of natural, let's just say that natural is basically what happens in the wild. 
All the creatures that have to have sex to reproduce have been found to have homosexuality in them. At least now we know that it's not just humans. So, the answer is yes, homosexuality is very natural. 
Another thing is that homosexuality in humans is a lot more complicated. A lot of the times of course is because of how they are born, but something it's cultural pressure and other situations that made them that way. 

Part 2: 
Should we teaching this conspiracy in universities? 
There are several professors who came together to put together a video declaring academic persecution because they are not allowed to teach the conspiracy on 9/11, and that the Bush government was behind 9/11. Of course the professors will teach all sides of the story and then let the people make up their own minds on which of the stories to believe. Now, most of the 9/11 theorists are taking in Darwin's idea about evolution, hoe change must occur for natural selection to take place. There professors say that they know people who got fired for suggesting there is a conspiracy at all for 9/11. 
So, if these professors are so smart, how come they didn't find other stories from the other side and see which is more persuasive? 
They also blamed Bush for Building 7, which collapsed because of all the debris that went crashing into it. People thought the government didn't care at all, because there wasn't any firefighters there at all when it was burning to the ground, and it was a controlled attack. The truth was that the firefighters found out that the building was collapsing already, and they pulled all the people out. 
They also said that it couldn't have collapsed because the fire is not hot enough to melt the steel. The truth is that under the room temperature, and because of the fire, it weakened the steel. The stabilizer was on the outside where the plane crashed into, that's another reason. 
So these professors let the dogma to fog up their views and they are not being their roles. 

Science Myth of the Week: 
Does more accidents happen just because it's Friday the 13th? 
There was a study published in 1993 by the Department of Public Health, they basically concluded that Friday the 13th is unlucky for some, the risk of hospital admissions as a result of a transport accident may increase by 52%, stay at home is recommended. It's probably because of this report, many people think that it is more dangerous. But, this wasn't a good research, because they only took two samples. 
There are several research done by the Finnish. There's one published in 2002 by the Department of Public Health in somewhere in Finland. They did the experiment from 1995 to 1997, they looked at all the fridays. The conclusion is that Friday the 13th may be dangerous day for women, largely because of anxiety from superstition. 
There is another study done in Finland, in Helsinki. They looked at everything, and they found that there was no significant differences at all. 
So, there is no consistent evidence for any of the results. What we can say is that there is no difference, it's just another day. 

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