“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 37

Skeptic Course + Pentawater + Swine Flu Myth

Water is water
Part 1:
There's this new kind of program going on since 2009, which is a course taken out of classes. Schools will choose their best and brightest students to attend these courses, where the students will learn about things we hear on the Reality Check. They would learn a variety of things and explore many topics we usually wouldn't have a chance to learn. They are basically like a Skeptic Course. They also get guest speakers who talk about so many things. 
It seems to be a course to kind of trick the students to go to college, by using interesting topics, and no homework, and they can also eat and drink in class. 
They also make most of the people talk in the end. Most of them are all very shy at the beginning, and the people organizing it try to make it a very relaxed atmosphere, and so it gets the kids to want to talk much more. 
The kids also have handson experiences, such as encoding the Bible Code, they found out how easy it is to actually hide not only sentences, but paragraphs. Other activities such as, each student is given a candle, and they are to observe and say what they found out about the candle in a period of time. Each of the candle has been modified to make people think it has been burnt, but it hasn't. They carved out some of the candle, and made dripped some wax on the side. Then the teacher pass out a candle that has really been burnt, and see what the difference is. Another activity is a dowsing test by using a coat hanger (of course this isn't true, but just to let the students feel it). The kids try to locate a bottle of water and see how many people who actually felt anything or nothing at all. Just interesting and fun activities that actually gets the kids to participate and learn something.

Part 2:
What is Penta Water?
Penta Water is a brand of bottled water that is claimed by the manufacturer to be structurally different from what we call "normal" water, and it is said as "ultra-purified" water. This has been going on for more than a decade already; the company started back in 1999 in San Diego.
This is obviously bogus, because water is water. If you change the structure of it, then it's not water, it's something else. We have these kinds of products everywhere actually, and people still buy them today. All of these different companies claim that their water has either more oxygen, or it's more purified, or it can flow much easier through your body. No, water is water. H2O is H2O, that won't change. We can make the purest water ourselves.
Those companies have animations on their websites and show that their water is better than the other water we see. Which is not true at all.
They claim that their water molecules are pentagon shaped, and they keep us more hydrated, and goes through your body easier. This is just simply ridiculous.

Science Myth of the Week:
Can you get swine flu from eating pork. By eating pork, you can transmit some viruses, but not swine flu, it's respiratory.
It's only called Swine flu because in the DNA of the virus, the structure looks similar to the other kind of flu that commonly effect pigs. 

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