“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Sixth Sense Technology - Pranav Mistry

I just watched Pranav Mistry's talk at TED India on youtube. It was impressive and unimpressive at the same time. The unimpressive part is all these technology and the capability of producing these technology already existed. The media, of course, portrays the idea of the future world at a very extreme level, as you can see from movies and ads. But, Pranav Mistry was the one to put many of those ideas and skills of today  together as one, and brought the physical world and cyber world even closer together than before.
He talked about how we grew up interacting with the physical objects around us, how we are used to take the physical world and put it into the cyber world. His idea was, why can't we take the things from the cyber world and pull it out here?
From the video, it seems that this device has several parts. There's the main machine, which originally was built on a helmet. Now, they have improved it to a small cellphone sized instrument that hangs around your neck (They built both the projector and camera into it). There are four other small pieces that fit on your thumbs and index fingers individually. The fingers devices are somehow connected wirelessly to the main machine. The last part which is connected to the main machine with a string is the microphone. But it does a lot more than just a microphone! All these devices are extremely motion sensitive and they perform things I thought would only appear in movies.

Watch the Presentation here:
Pranav Mistry at TED

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