“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 23

Cancer Epidemic Fears + Acupressure + The Myth of Gum Digestion

Part 1:
Is there a big epidemic cancer we all need to worry about? Well, it depends what kind and where in the world. The type the Reality Check is going to cover is the ongoing battle against cancer. Statistically, there are more and more cancer cases as time goes on, and it's because of all the chemicals we get into our bodies everyday. 
So, are cancer rates increasing? What we know is that cancer rates are not increasing at all. There was a book published in the 60s called Silence Spring, saying that because of all the chemicals and pollution these days, many animals die, and when spring comes, it's all silent. The book also talks about humans getting cancer, and how the chemicals are causing it. Cancer count for 15% of death in 1958 versus 4 % in 1900. Sounds very bad. 
But, it seems like you can only die from a few things today. Death are often caused by accidents, cancer, and natural death. There's not much to die from these days, because of all the medical resources we have today. Another thing is that just living longer than before causes cancer. 

Part 2:
It is said that when pregnant, you should pinch the part of your body between your thumb and index finger to help with the circulation. Another thing is it also helps you live longer and makes you look better. It was actually bad advice, both of them are not true. The only thing that pinching yourself helps with is to distract you from your other pains in your body. 
That is why many people think acupressure and acupuncture are both like 風水, it's because if you get more than one of those so called "experts" together, they will tell you how to do things differently. The acupressure and acupuncture experts might tell you the different place to pinch or where to stick the needle that will help us. It's also unfalsifiable, so it's not true science. Acupressure is just acupuncture without the needles. 

Follow up from the previous episode: 
There is a delicacy in Cambodia, they deep fried tarantulas and then eat them. 

Science Myth of the Week: Does it really take 7 years to take gum to digest?
No it doesn't! So why? People thought indigestible on the gum pack means it can not be digested. But, even though it doesn't stay in your system, it won't stay in your body up to 7 years. Still, don't just swallow gum normally. 
We don't know where the number 7 came from, maybe it's just a really long time and it scares people. 

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