“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Friday, September 17, 2010

Einstein the Parrot Talks and Squawks

Einstein the African Grey parrot
Einstein is a parrot who came on TED to show the world how amazing animals (besides humans) can be, and hope to encourage us instead of hurting animals, we can help protect their homes that they live in now.

Another thing I would like to talk about here is that I wonder why parrots can mimic our sounds, and most other animals can't?
Let's start of by saying that parrots are not the only animals that can makes sounds just like we do. Such as crows and mynas, these two other birds can also imitate our sounds.
These birds imitate sounds for different reasons. For example, African grey parrots in the wild are known to imitate other species of birds. So, when these birds are kept as pets, they would naturally imitate the sounds that they hear in their daily life. Another reason they do so, is probably because they are very social, and since we don't speak parrot, they try to talk like we do and make sounds like us.
The biology of this is because they have an organ called the syrinx. Syrinx is located at the bast of a bird's trachea. the most important thing is it produces sounds without the vocal cords of mammals.
How does it work? Well, according to Wikipedia, the sound if produced by vibrations of the membrana typanitormis (the walls of the syrinx) caused by air flowing through the syrinx. This way it sets up a self-oscillating system which modulates the airflow creating the sound.
Unlike the larynx of mammals, the syrinx is located at the place where the trachea forks into the lungs, which is why some songbirds can produce more than one sound at the same time.

Watch Video Here: Einstein the Parrot talks and squawks

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