“My goal today is to be better than yesterday so wait until you see what I do "tomorrow."” - Alien Ness

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Reality Check Episode 68

Climategate + How To Be An Expert + Hand Sanitizers

Part 1:
Climate change is usually used more by the denialists, and global warming is usually used by people who support the idea of climate changing. But, climate change is a better term, because it's not really warming, but the climate is changing. 
Climate gate, seems to have taken from the term watergate. In 2009, there were many emails running around about climate gate, confusing everyone. 
Skeptics often say Earth's climate is showing a trend toward stable or even declining temperatures. But they have to cherry-pick data from the climate record to support this argument. For instance, they often take as the starting point for their trend line the unusually warm year of 1998 – the second-warmest year on record, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. If, instead, they started their trend line in 1996, 1997, 1999 or 2000, they'd find it much harder to say warming has stopped. In all those years, the global surface temperature was below what it was in 2003 through 2007.
Oceans cover about 70 per cent of the Earth's surface and strongly affect year-to-year climate. Movement of ocean water can cause short-term undulations in the upward global warming trend. The best-known undulation is the El Nino-Southern Oscillation cycle. When this cycle is in an El Nino phase, the planet is warmer than when it's neutral or in a cool La Nina phase. The El Nino event of 1998 was the strongest in a century, so it's not surprising that the planet's surface temperature was sharply higher than it was in the years immediately before or after. To choose this year as the starting point for a trend line is misleading at best and dishonest at worst. 
Many people still argue about if climate change is really happening or it's an organized conspiracy. 

Part 2:
So, what makes an expert?
Is talent overrated?
"The traditional assumption is that people come into a professional domain, have similar experiences, and the only thing that's different is their innate abilities. There's little evidence to support this. With the exception of some sports, no characteristic of the brain or body constrains an individual from reaching an expert level."
What do you have to do to become the best?
"Successful people spontaneously do things differently from those individuals who stagnate. They have different practice histories. Elite performers engage in what we call "deliberate practice"--an effortful activity designed to improve individual target performance. There has to be some way they're innovating in the way they do things."
Can you explain how deliberate practice works?
"Here's a typical example: Medical diagnosticians see a patient once or twice, make an assessment in an effort to solve a particularly difficult case, and then they move on. They may never see him or her again. I recently interviewed a highly successful diagnostician who works very differently. He spends a lot of his own time checking up on his patients, taking extensive notes on what he's thinking at the time of diagnosis, and checking back to see how accurate he is. This extra step he created gives him a significant advantage compared with his peers. It lets him better understand how and when he's improving. In general, elite performers utilize some technique that typically isn't well known or widely practiced."
So does experience matter?
"Just because you've been walking for 55 years doesn't mean you're getting better at it. It's very hard for older engineers, for example, to stay competitive with young engineers trained with new and improved methods. Those who are successful have to put in a lot of extra time to learn about these new methods. You have to seek out situations where you get feedback. It's a myth that you get better when you just do the things you enjoy."
In conclusion, the evidence shows that expertise only comes from good practice.

Science Myth of the Week:
So, does the hand sanitizers really work? Or is it just a waste of money? 
It does work! But, you still need to wash your hands!

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